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Danish artfilm (2014)

A film that captures the unexplainable that we, as human beings, are part of.
Danish Artfilm by Sara Lubich, shot by Cinematographer Sturla Brandth Grøvlen, assisted by Julie Mørch Honoré – with music written and performed by Nils Davidsen.

Noget er større end os
Uforklarligt og næsten perfekt

Både Naturen og Kirken er vigtige at bruge, både i dagliglivet og i det kunsterisk liv.

Den ophøjede stemning, ro, nærværet og kontakten til sjælelivet som findes i Naturen og Kirken bliver en stadig mindre del af det moderne menneske.

Billederne er optaget i Naturen, musikken er indspillet i Kirken.

Et værk af Sarah Lubich (kunstfotograf), Nils Davidsen (kontrabassist) og Pelle Folmer (producent).

Developed during 2013 with premiere in January 2014 together with the release of the solo album by Nils Davidsen ‘Noget at glæde sig til’ (‘Something to look forward to’) released as Enhanced CD (CD+) and on iTunes from the label ILK.

Along with the Artfilm three small films/documentaries was released (two of them on the CD+ as well). All together 17 minutes of film where produced for the release of the CD+.

To follow the Artfilm please visit

You may also visit the website of the Director Sara Lubich, the Cinematographer Sturla Brandth Grøvlen or the musiclabel ILK


2014 Festival international Signes de Nuit / Paris, France / December / Synthox, Son-Image-Interferences
2015 Best of Nature & Music Film Festival / Online / January / Official Selection
2015 Nam Visual Art / Torino, Italy / obliterazioni
2015 Bogotá Experimental Film Festival – CineAutopsia, Bogotá, Columbia / September / Seleccíon Compentencia
2015 China Women’s film festival, Beijing, China / November / Official Selection
2016 Vault Film Festival, London, United Kingdom / February / Official Selection
2016 Ekofilm Festival, Nowogard, Poland / May / Official Selection


2016 February / selected to be part of the Video Library P’Silo at Videodrom2, Marseille, France