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Faroese/British/Danish musicvideo (2015)

A musicvideo from the album ‘Story Music’ released in 2013 from Arlo & Betty Ltd.

As an artpiece it was selected at a censored exhibition in Copenhagen, Denmark 2014 at ‘Kunstnernes Efterårsudstilling’ hosted at Den Frie Udstillingsbygning. And it’s first international censored exhibition was in Berlin, Germany 2016 at Galleri Heike Arndt DK at ‘Fresh Legs 2016’.


It was also used as x-mas card in 2014, sent to all partners and friends to the interactive project surrounding the album ‘Story Music’.

First public presentation was made in partnership with renowned Danish Music and Filmmagazines Ekko and Gaffa in december 2015 as an exclusive deal. It reached an alltime high in top100 and was placed as the sixth most seen musicvideo on the Ekko Shortlist. Published shortly afterwards worldwide via Youtube on Arlo & Betty Records’ channel.

It has been shortlisted at the Nordic Music Video Awards 2016.

The listing on imdb can be found here.

The article in Gaffa can be found here.

The musicvideo as it appears in Ekko Filmmagazines Shortlist

Link to the musicvideo from the official channel for Teitur on Youtube; Arlo and Betty.


“IF YOU WAIT” is a doll animation with both live pictures and stop motion. The Animation is made for the song “If you Wait” performed by Teitur and composed by Teitur Lassen.

The story is about the feeling of “possessing something bigger” you can ́t get out. How the desire to get it out can weigh you down and make you unable to act. Continuing in the hope that something wonderful will occur, combined with a melancholy doubt as to whether you will succeed.


Directors Statement

I created this short film using puppet animation for the song “If You Wait” by the artist Teitur. One of the producers was familiar with my work and forwarded the song. At first listen, I found the track to be very poetic and could immediately see it’s potential as a visual narrative.
I took an intuitive approach in creating the animation. The process involved listening to the music over and over again, contemplating the lyrics and allowing images to float to the surface. In that layered way, a narrative and visual universe was formed.
I also allowed things to happened during the process of building the puppets and the scenes themselves. This free association approach was also applied when we shot the film, where the photographers input helped bring the puppets and different scenaries to life.
My aim was to create a magical and poetic black and white short, while retaining elements of colour. Everything is therefore made in shades of black, white and grey, combined with mirrors and reflective surfaces. The main character is emotionally paralysed yet hopeful. I illustrated this though his physical attributes and demeanour. I further emphasized his passivity by immersing his static form with very active scenes.

See her website at www.sarananna.dk


Producer, Kristian Troldborg Sønderby’s Statement


As the director of the collected Story Music Interactive project and producer of this music video, it is a great pleasure to see that the creative principles, that Teitur uses and the project shares with us, really are alive.

The work on the video initiated when the director (aka yours truly) of Story Music Interactive – an interactive film, that with time developed into a collected project also including several kinds of cultural products – found the development to be at a stand still. In fact it was facing a breakthrough soon to come, but that´s another story. “The creative movement and development must continue!” he then thought, and found new ways to do that.

He contacted Sara Nanna, never having met her before. A YouTube video and one meeting was enough: Sara was ready to join the project, and her ideas and the honest search of her work fit the proces.

The video is a proof of Teiturs thesis, that a truly good song doesn´t loose its actuality. He himself states that he´d rather write songs that lasts for 300 years that making hits. And it did take a while for the video to be made and to find the right time and place for it to premiere. But both the video and the song are as razor sharp and actual as when the record was released and the first preparations for the video were made in 2013.

Story Music Interactive has from the beginning had the character of a travelling into the unknown. A discovery of Teiturs creative principles by putting them to use – as you learn to understand them. The video to “If you wait…” contains and exposes the complete core of Story Music Interactive: to give your self time, to embark on creative endeavours, to involve others, to share, to make choices, to unfold your unique talent and to nourish intention and quality.

The way the video ends is both ironic and shrewd – and it leaves something open for those who involved: Sure, you are allways in some way or the other submitted something bigger than your self – and therefore you have to endure and accept anything, and sometimes nothing. But is that really it? Is there nothing we can do? Both the song and the video are, as creative products an answer to that question: yes, there is!

In the very same way, Story Music Interactive is a project with good time in it. An unpredictable but fruitful creative travel. A project that again and again must donate to itself portions of patience. Meanwhile it keeps giving birth to creative products: concerts, films, interactive development and involvement, cooperations, education of all involved, a book, an album to begin with, and even a special made tea. This time, this video.


Director & Artist Sara Nanna
DoP Thomas Jessen
Editor Rebekka Jørgensen
Visual Effects & Grading Christian Schwanenflugel
Camera Operator Anders Bondrup Lasbo
Productionassistents Yula Sciavitsky Dalberg & Ingilin D. Strøm
Producers Kristian Troldborg Sønderby & Pelle Folmer
Production company 1606 interactive
Music & Lyrics Teitur Lassen
Artist Teitur
Puiblisher Arlo & Betty Records

The presentation of the Musicvideo in the Danish Filmmagazine Ekko
The presentation of the Musicvideo in the Danish Musicmagazine Gaffa
An article and presentation at the Faroese online magazine Portal.fo


2016 Vault Film Festival, London, United Kingdom / February / Official Selection
2016 Nordic Music Video Awards 2016 / March / shortlisted
2016 Fresh Legs 2016 (censored exhibition), Berlin / June
2016 Art All Night, Trenton, USA / June / Official Selection
2016 festival de cortometrajes “Jose Francisco Rosado” PACAS, Pedro Munoz 7 December / Official Selection